So Uhh....What Were You Trying to Do Here?... [SMACKDOWN - 29.08.2014]

I’ve been a fan of the WWE since high school. Like many, I lost interest at the end of the Attitude Era but, a few years ago, I got curious and looked in to see what was going on. I’ve been watching steadily ever since. Yet, what brings me to write today, unfortunately, is the fact that for the first time, I was so disappointed with what was presented, I felt compelled to voice my opinion publicly. I understand if this is just a matter of putting theories into action to see if they work or not. I can even understand if it was just a flat out bad show. My problem is that what was presented at this latest SmackDown (aired Aug. 29 th ) was so shoddy, that I fear that Creative doesn’t even know what they’re doing. I mean, regarding the Reigns push, I felt bad even a little embarrassed for them. It was like WWE Creative is going out of its way to over-complicate a simple thing. How are you going to push someone, if you’re not eve...