Fastlane Is on the Books, Now...WrestleMania...

A Good Monday to You, Enthusiasts. So, who watched Fastlane? It wasn’t all bad but some it definitely left something to be desired. General consensus puts Daniel Bryan vs. Roman Reigns as match of the night with Edge taking the heel turn. Drew McIntyre and Sheamus get second place. It would have been my first if Sheamus got the win but hopefully he gets his due come Summer Slam. The Fiend fans loved his return but you know me, Enthusiasts. My eyes rolled far back into my head. I’m never going to like this angle. And I’m being consistent because I never cared for The Undertaker’s spiel either. I’ll accept the outlandish when it’s properly established and The Fiend is just not. I’m not that big of a horror fan so I’ll always say let Wyatt draft the 90 min. script and have done. Randy Orton gets points for being a trooper. He’s making gallons of lemonade with this shit. As for the match of the night, I agree with what the WWE Universe is saying for the most...