Oh Yeah...I Guess I Could Get a Little RAW Tonight...

Greetings Enthusiasts! It feels like ages since I've got some good ol'wrassling in. I've been hearing about the Beast in the East showing and the like but as for watching any, it's been since Smackdown . I wouldn't really say I'm jonesing for it but it feels surprisingly absent. I must admit I've been absorbed by other things, one of those things being COMIC-CON!!!! Some of you may remember when I announced my badge purchase well, the time is now upon us! I'll be going all 4 days and so my blog will have a Comic-Con 2015 page where I'll post my pics. I have no idea what to expect. I've been telling my friends and colleagues that I'm gonna treat it like "Nerd Vegas". What happens there, stays there...for the most part (^_~). But I digress. The matter of the moment is RAW . I'm not sure if I'll be able to get a look at Smackdown this week since Thursday is the opening day for Comic-Con but, I'll catch wh...