It's the SmackDown Season Premiere! Not Sure If It Means Anything...

A Good Friday to You Enthusiasts! Are you doing well? I certainly hope so. Let’s get right to it shall we? There’s some stuff going on that makes for good conversation. The first bit of info that caught my interest is that RAW Underground has gone on hiatus. With the COVID threat it simply isn’t safe to hold at the moment. I think the concept is a good device to break a creative block. As we can see, the WWE creative department tends to get stuck on repeat. RAW Underground could be used as a way to inject some fresh energy into the mix when they’re running low on ideas. Being now, then and forever is taxing. I can understand that. As they fish around for a way to account for that, they might as well keep what works on hand. I wouldn’t be surprised if it gets reinstated under better circumstances. Another thing that caught my interest is some talk from Cody Rhodes. Apparently, he’s been getti...