AEW Gets Some Attention While WWE Sets Up Bad Blood...

Happy Friday, Enthusiasts! How’s everyone doing? Well, there’s a few things to chat about but, you know, nothing that shocking just news of the day. I’d say it’s a slow one, more or less, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have anything to talk about. Let’s start the discussion, shall we? So, I’ll start by finalizing my thoughts on AEW’s All Out. Now, I think it’s promising that they’ve got me talking about it at least. Usually, I’m not so moved but I can see the potential. I don’t hate the brand, it’s just not my bag. And with so many former WWE stars over there, I have to check it out from time to time just to see how they’re doing. It’s good to see what’s going on. There’s more than 1 way to wash a shirt. Anyway, what I’m getting at is that I took a longer look at the points of contention concerning the “violence” and I fully stand by my previous statements. Looking at the Strickland vs. Page match, it got stupid when Page pulled out the “spike” of burnt w...