Let's See How This Showdown Takes...

A Good Thursday to You, Enthusiasts. So, the Super Showdown III should be underway by now and I can’t say that I’m all that excited. You know, being a work day and all, I can’t really indulge until later but that doesn’t mean that I’m not curious about some matches. I won’t bother with speculation, it’s too much of an exhibition but here’s my 2¢ on some of the more interesting match ups. First of all, I find it interesting that Goldberg has got the fire back in his eyes. Word is that this year’s Royal Rumble lit him up and now he’s raring to go. So, my question becomes why set him up with The Fiend? Now, there may be the school of thought that this may help sell The Fiend, mainly because Goldberg isn’t buying him. This could create an interesting dynamic because those like me, who don’t really get this Fiend gimmick, will probably side with Goldberg by default which makes for a good sense of competition against the fans who are all ab...