SmackDown Takes a Crack at Keeping It Real...

Happy Friday, Enthusiasts! How’s 2021 going for you so far? Personally, I can’t say I’m not enjoying myself but still, there are some things to be desired but, what else is new? Let’s get into what’s going on in the WWE Universe. That’s more interesting. So, SmackDown has to follow up Randy Orton getting scorched by Alexis Bliss. Orton is cracking me up. He’s a lot more fun than I ever gave him credit for. Somehow, he’s selling this angle and hopefully having a great time with it. Now, I don’t buy this “seared cornea” or whatever they're saying his condition is but I do like how Orton is just leaning into becoming WWE’s public enemy #1. The thing is, if he’s going to continue down this ridiculous path, he has to make sure he knows it’s ridiculous. There should be humor with this angle mainly because it is so unbelievable. A tongue and cheek approach would signal to fans that WWE is playing with the idea of kayfabe. What a lot of fans dislike about the WWE Universe...