What Fresh Hell in a Cell is This?!....

Greetings Enthusiasts, Well, I should say that the lead up to this PPV has been lackluster to say the least. Posts and articles abound stating how disjointed the Go-Home show was. So much so, I didn't even bother to take a look at it for myself. Well, we all know all these episodes aren't going to be winners but with the Goldberg re-introduction and a PPV to sell, you'd think they'd button it up just a bit to get some subscribers. What do you think, Enthusiasts? Do you think we'll just get stuff that's phoned in from here on out because our options are few? Or is this an internal weeding out process? Hmmm, it is something to ponder. We'll see if they make up for it now that money's on table. Funny tweets get retweeted and we'll just see if someone does tweet genius and deserves a "Favorite". See You in a Bit, -Nicole Alexis ( ^_~)