ShowDown Done. RAW Now Takes Us to the Crown Jewel...

Greetings Enthusiasts! How are you this Monday? So, the Super ShowDown is over and done with and it wasn’t bad for an exhibition. I think everyone went out there with good intentions. I think Becky Lynch vs. Charlotte and The SHIELD vs. the “Dogs of War” were the matches that best nailed the theme. It looked like they came out to play and it read well. The main event with Triple H vs. The Undertaker wasn’t that bad but it wasn’t all that fun to watch, at least not for me. It was just a little too clear that these people are pushing 60. Not to mention The Undertaker not being in the best shape. Just comes off kinda desperate but, at the same time, I know a lot of people would watch these matches even if the old-timers were wheeled out in wheelchairs so, it’s hard to say where to draw the line. Personally, I say it’s fine as long as they look the part. So, if they hold up like R-Truth or Batista and can still pu...