SmackDown Contemplates What to Call This...Summer Slam-Payback, Maybe?

Happy Friday, Enthusiasts! I hope it treats you well. So, what’s circulating in the WWE Universe? I found it interesting that Wade Barrett found his way back to the WWE halls. One of the aspects of the WWE Universe is that it is strangely forgiving. Those who have left often can return…that is if they did so under the right circumstances. And even in those difficult cases, with the right amount of apology and humility even the most outrageous can be forgiven. I think CM Punk is a prime example. When he left it seemed as if someone could get fired just by saying his name, now he’s back on the payroll. The WWE Universe is the land of many chances. In Barrett’s case, it looks like he’s helping out with kids in NXT. We’ll see if he ever challenges Baron Corbin to get the King of the Ring Title back. As for tonight’s Fallout/Go Home Smackdown , we have Roman Reigns’ return to television to look forward to. I’ll a...