SmackDown Does What It Can to Stay Solid...

A Good Friday to You, Enthusiasts! I hope the week treated you well. As for the wrestling world, it’s been a varied week. There’s a lot of chatter and it’s hard to say what, if anything, it means. Shall we dive in? So, Triple H has been getting a bit of press recently for making some…controversial statements. Controversial in that it has prompted quite a few people to respond, myself included. Yet, what I gathered from this move is that he’s doing exactly as “The Game” does, getting in our heads and making us mad. He’s the Cerebral Assassin for a reason. I think he’s stirring the pot to see if he can still stir it. That is perfectly fine. It’s good to take a temperature from time to time. I only say this because we all know that H is not stupid. He may not have the finest education but he does know a thing or to about the WWE Universe and he is a Heel of all Heels. Is he giving us a taste of how he’ll handle himself in the event he’s handed the reins? I wouldn’t be...