Is Someone Gonna Put the SmackDown on this MITB...

Someone should 😉 Good Evening, Enthusiasts! Well, was it just me or was RAW more interesting than MITB? Looks like I’m on the same page with someone. Well, as we contemplate what was the inevitable dissolution of Enzo & Big Cass we come to the SmackDown rebuttal. Well, hopefully it will entail some sort of Womens MITB rematch due to the heinous abduction of the prize by male hands. I’ll keep my grumbling down if they find a way to make this angle engaging. I get that the WWE tends to instigate its fans, I get that it goes with the territory but again if not properly applied, one tends to lose the audience. Let’s not have another House of Horrors on our hands, shall we. In the meantime, we await John Cena’s return…that should be interesting given a lot seems to have gone down in his absence. With him coming up as a “free agent”, that allows him to show up anywhere at anytime which could work. I wouldn’t say use this to tur...