
Showing posts with the label Royal Rumble Fallout

RAW Fallout - Royal Rumble 2025

How’s It Going, Enthusiasts? Did you enjoy the Rumble? Well, there were some things to be desired, I’ll admit but it was a good time. I have to say I had fun regardless but, yeah, there’s some things to talk about for sure. Want to get into it? Let's… So, no AJ Lee, no Becky Lynch, no Aleister Black and no Randy Orton; a lot of commenters were hoping for that one. It would seem the WWE Universe got their hopes up a bit for this one but it wasn’t a bad show in my opinion. I would say that the Ladies’ surprises were more interesting than the men’s. They pulled the trigger on Stephanie Vaquer and Giulia so that was lowkey exciting. Alexa Bliss still has her diehard fans but there were a lot of mixed responses to Charlotte Flair winning. I heard that was what was going to probably happen so, no surprises and I don’t mind it at all.  Just a brief aside to that ‘cause word came out that Charlotte and Andrade got divorced back in June so, interesting to hold that bit of info until after t...

SmackDown Assesses the Royal Rumble Fallout...

How’s It Going, Enthusiasts? Well, I hope. As for what’s drifting through the Wrestling Grapevine, there are few things to discuss. I think I found some noteworthy tidbits. Shall we have a brief chat? What grabbed the most attention from me is that Nick Khan made an appearance on CNBC and shared the viewpoint that he feels WWE could be sold within “3 Months”. It’s not clear to who but it appears to be felt that this should be done sooner than later. I’m not sure how the pending lawsuits for Mr. Vince McMahon may impact that timeline. That may be the reason for expediting the process. Legal procedures are notoriously lengthy. For the sale to get tied up in litigation could drag the process out for years and potentially affect gains as someone has to pay for all the legal fees. We’ll see what comes to pass. All I hope for is that it ends up in the right hands and is not simply flushed down the toilet for billions of dollars. In lighter news, Dominik Mysterio continues to troll his Dad, t...

Does SmackDown Have a Rare Miss? - Royal Rumble Fallout...

  Good Evening, Enthusiasts. Hope you’re having a great Friday. So, there are some rumblings in the wrestling world. Let’s get into some of it, shall we. Let’s start with the non-WWE rumors. Tony Khan announced on social media that he has some announcements set for tonight’s Rampage . With many former WWE stars’ non-compete clauses expiring this week, the thought is that he’ll be announcing the acquisitions. We’ll see if this helps AEW or gives them more problems. Many fear they’ll start making the same mistakes WWE did by overloading the roster and not having enough for everyone to do. We’ll soon see if they took any notes on what not to do. To straddle the 2 worlds, Brian Kendrick asked for his release from WWE. The request was granted with no non-compete clause. He jumped to AEW only to get himself canceled by old shit circulating online. Well, let that be a lesson. Cancel Culture is real and if you said some questionable shit and it’s still up, don’t be surprised if it comes ba...

Royal Rumble Fallout - RAW Gets Clean-up Duty...

How’s Everyone Doing this Evening?   Well, the Royal Rumble came and went and WWE succeeded in making a mockery of itself yet again. We’ve seen a lot of bad PPVs and unfortunately, that one ends up in that pile. It wasn’t all bad, but it was everything wrong with WWE in a nutshell. The saving grace, the only place they can go is up.   WWE tends to recover when it puts its back up against the wall. The intrigue for tonight’s Fallout Show is how they salvage things. But how did they end up here? It’s simple really, they’re relying on performers who aren’t on the roster full-time. Right there, they’re short-sighted. Even with all the releases they still have like 5o people they need to figure out what to do with and last night confirmed they still have no clue. Never a good look. As I’ve said before, they have the Talent but no Vision. They may have an endgame but it’s still not clear how they get there. This year’s Rumble definitely gives them incentive to start developi...

SmackDown Will Have Its Fallout. 'Tis Customary...

Happy Friday, Enthusiasts!   I hope you’re having a good one. Before we get into it with what’s going on in the wrestling world, I just wanted to take a moment to comment on Dad's (Kane’s) appearance during the Royal Rumble. It personified what I’ve been saying all along. I haven’t felt more vindicated about anything as long as I can remember. They use him all wrong. Let the man close out as the Director of Operations again and instead of jobbing for the kids, let him just kick their asses, you know for good reason 😉 He could reestablish a sort of Management presence that squashes whatever noise that the kids may work up. Now, we shouldn’t see him weekly. I like how Adam Pearce is handling the unofficial General Manager role but he’s the proverbial Good Cop here. When Dad gets involved, it’s all Bad Cop. It’s why I call him “Dad”.   It’s not to hear any grievance. It’s to stop someone from griping; shut some pissy kid up, you know whatever. You don’t want to see Dad. He s...

RAW Puts SmackDown to Work...

A Good Friday to You, Enthusiasts! I hope this is the start of a great weekend for you.   The Super Bowl should have plenty of you excited.   As for me, I’ve never liked football but I don’t mind watching the spectacle of the final game.   Besides, the Halftime Show tends to be entertaining at least.   Anyway, as for the WWE Universe, well SmackDown actually has to keep pace again this week as RAW closed on a strong note as we get word that Edge is back for now and to welcome him, his former partner in crime, Randy Orton gave him a Heel Hazing by threatening to re-injure our returned hero’s neck.   This was a masterful bit of heel-itude as the crowd whether it believed it or not, ardently played along.   Some guy was shouting, “Don’t you do it, Randy!   Don’t you do it!...” close to one of the cameras.   It was great!   It’s as if the WWE is giving us a refresher course in itself which wouldn’t be a bad thing.   Many would say...

The Rumble Was SOLID! So, How Is RAW Going to Keep the Party Going?...

Happy Monday, Enthusiasts! Did you get a chance to check out this year’s Royal Rumble?   I gotta admit, it was the best one in the past 5 years by far.   It had the hype and backed it up for once.   I wasn’t disappointed with it at all.   I love the potential it churned up.   I can finally start to sink my teeth into this again and that feeling, I have to say, is the most exciting development of them all. Gotta also say, I was a little slow on the uptake when Edge returned, though.   Couldn’t remember his entrance music for the life of me and didn’t care enough to look it up.   But it was amazing to see and I’m so glad that he was welcomed back with such open arms.   Only thing I would say is he should try to gain a little weight.   He was looking a bit gaunt if you ask me and that just accentuates his age.   Maybe putting on a healthy 10-20 pounds may even that out.   Also, it will make a lot of us feel better about him ta...

Still Don't Get It? Let SmackDown Help. It Does Know What It's Doing...

Good Evening, Enthusiasts! How’s it going?   Well, I was going to start with the RAW recap but I think everyone is now reeling with the news that Dean Ambrose plans to leave the WWE once his contract expires in April.   Now, there is talk of this being a work since the WWE is confirming rumors but it’s hard to say.   I myself am I big proponent of real news getting dropped in the News Outlets first but…would this be considered news outside the WWE Universe?   Not sure.   That’s where this gets a little tricky.   In any case, I hope it is a work because I feel, though I haven’t been a fan of his heel-turn, we all know that sort of thing doesn’t stay permanent.   It feels a bit premature if he’s throwing in the towel.   I hope some sort of compromise can be reached.   He’s got a good, gritty energy that could appeal to new fans, especially those who aren’t feeling how we all have to be more sensitive nowadays.   He could serve as som...

Let RAW Help You Understand the Royal Rumble...

A Merry Monday to You, Enthusiasts! So, how did you like this year’s Royal Rumble?   To be honest, I have to say these recent PPVs have been intriguing in the fact that the concept of the WWE SuperStar is now getting challenged.   Usually, we expect some large male to be the face of WWE but nowadays with the advent of the #MeToo Movement and #TimesUp along with the upswing of the feminine and increased general inclusivity, we are prompted to consider a woman fronting the company.   The women have been very solid of late and in quite a few instances, have out-performed the men.   The Royal Rumble was a fair example.   The Women’s Royal Rumble was a far more consistent event though, the Men did manage to make things interesting towards the end of theirs, it did take some time to get going.   The women appeared to hit the ground running.   Yet, when it came to the one-on-one or two-on-two matches, I would have to say that Finn Bálor and Brock Les...

SmackDown Is Never Not Ready to Go!...

How Goes It, Enthusiasts! So, RAW was RAW last night, though that wasn’t a disappointment.  Far from it, actually.  The Ladies in Asuka and Sasha Banks kept the momentum going for the Women’s Division with a great match that had Asuka break The Boss with a submission hold but both ladies performed wonderfully.  The rest of the night had its ups and downs but with the Female Royal Rumble a success, there appears to be some fresh blood injected into this WWE air. Now, SmackDown has to keep the party going and it looks like it plans to.  Apparently, Daniel Bryan and Shane McMahon will be looking to the roster to elect the SmackDown’s “Top 10”.  From these chosen, the title matches and overall booking will be dictated.  SmackDown stars are not allowed to elect themselves, is one of the stipulations.  Everyone will have to state who they deem worthy.  Could be interesting. As for tonight’s offerings, looks like we’ll be getting some Wres...

We Rumbled. Now It's Back to Getting RAW...

A Good Monday to You, Enthusiasts! Well, the Royal Rumble ended up being a lot of fun in the end with the Ladies showing that they can rumble with the best of them.   I have to say Lita was one of my favorite surprises, along with Beth Phoenix.   And  I know some of you know her but I was glad to get introduced to Molly Holly as well.   She came ready to go, like she never left.    All the ladies did and I was super proud.  Yay! Well, now that that’s over it’s back to the regularly scheduled programming.   So, since the Rumble closed with Ronda Rousey making her WWE debut, speculation on how she’ll fit in begins.   For me, u h, I don’t know…She actually fights.   I suppose they could give her a taste of the old days first with that Sonya Deville chick.    Just seems like throwing her in with likes of the Asuka, Charlotte and Alexa Bliss would be a bit out of place.     Get the feeling Charlotte could probab...