RAW Returns to the U.S. for Backlash Fallout...

How’s It Going, Enthusiasts? Did you enjoy Le BackLash? I have to give it to the French Crowd. They were amazing! They definitely added something to the show. I don’t think it would have been half as interesting without them. I think that gives WWE incentive to come back more often. They certainly earned it. Apologies for not pre-posting. I’m in the midst of relocating, so posts will be more to the point and I may have to omit them sometimes depending on what’s going on. This will be the case for the next few months but I should be more or less settled by Summer Slam. Please bear with me. Let’s start on the periphery of the WWE Universe tonight as Ric Flair has gotten himself some press recently. Apparently, he wasn’t too thrilled with a dining establishment in Florida. It’s unclear why Flair was ultimately asked to leave the restaurant but Flair took to Twitter/X to share his chagrin. It appears he was just trying to spend some time with extended family. Oh, well....