So, SmackDown Drops Us Off at Summer Slam...

A Good Friday to You, Enthusiasts! Here we are at the Go Home Show for Summer Slam and we have a new Thunderdome experience to look forward to. So far, the reports appear more favorable than not so it may not be a total loss. We’ll have to see if they make good use of it. It’s quite clear there’s some “housecleaning” going on for WWE. It may not be until next year that we can get a clear idea of how things are going. Be patient. These are indeed uncertain times. In other WWE News, well we’ve all heard about Sonya DeVille and the home invader. Ghastly, but there are rumors going ‘round saying that DeVille’s guest was Mandy Rose. I hope this isn’t true, only because it makes the whole thing come off like a work and I wouldn’t want to trivialize an actually grave situation. News outlets are sticking to “a guest” but wrestling sites are spreading around it was Rose. If it was, I hope they never confirm. Now, ...