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How’s It Going, Enthusiasts? Enjoying the Olympics? It’s different without the fans but at least the employees/volunteers, athletes and everyone else who can are watching. Maybe press too. There’s some scant participation but it is strange. This is the first Olympics I haven’t been glued to the TV for. Last Olympics I had it on all day every day until the Closing Ceremony. This time around, I’m just checking in from time to time, catching up here and there. It’s weird. But I kinda get it. They postponed and the Winter Olympics are next year. Gotta knock it out now or never. Well, as far as the wrestling world goes there are a few things going on. It’s not as thought-provoking as the recent rumors but it’s something. First bit that stuck out was word is that Jeff Hardy caught the COVID. Now, if he’s sick with it or just tested positive hasn’t been confirmed or denied just yet but my first thought is how real is this? It’s believable if he’s positive. That...