After Such Extreme Rules, You're Bound to be a Little RAW...

Evening, Enthusiasts! So, was Extreme Rules extreme enough for you? Too cliché? Meh, you come up with something then 😉 In any case, I actually thought Extreme Rules was one of the more solid PPVs this season. Kalisto and Apollo Crews set the tone beautifully to open and then “upsets” abound as titles changed hands so we can mix things up. Not upset with it in the slightest. The only low point I would say would be the semi-squash match between Alexa Bliss and Bayley. I almost hope Bayley wasn’t feeling well or something and just took a pass. With the effort they took in building the match, I found the ending lacking. Maybe they’ll use tonight’s RAW for some redemption. As for the match of the evening, I would have to give it to the Fatal 5 Way. It was actually a lot of fun to watch. These fellows did a boisterous dance that left bodies strewn and Samoa Joe the last one standing. Something I thin...