
Showing posts with the label Tweeti n'Watch

Elimination Chamber 2025 - Matches of Interest

  How’s It Going, Enthusiasts?   So, this is a first. Here we are, at Elimination Chamber and I don’t have any Matches of Interest. That seems bad but to me… I think it’s kinda perfect.   This is a state I never thought I’d see in the WWE Universe. This is a turning point. It becomes something else at this point and what exactly, I don’t know. It’s exciting!   Now, some of you are going to look at this funny but if you’ve been watching for the past 10 years or so, you have to see this has gone from absolute crap television to palatable TV. I can’t talk half as much shit about it anymore.   Many of you may beg to differ but I’ll just say our tastes differ and venture to say you watch it to crap on something. Kinda like people who like Maury Povich or Jerry Springer. You look at it and feel better about yourself. Fair enough. It’s not a judgment, just an observation. This is how you may lean.   I don’t need to crap on something but I like ...