Who Gets the Briefcase? - Money in the Bank...

A Good Saturday to You, Enthusiasts. Enjoying the long weekend if that’s your lot? Pace yourself it’s only the beginning. We are here once again for Money in the Bank and well, it’s not the most exciting card but it doesn’t mean we won’t see good performances. To be honest, that may be the best way for tonight’s players handle today. Just be respectable out there. I don’t run down every match but here are few that have my interest. Generally, the matches I speak on are the “matches to watch” or odd ones out that need to make some sort of splash. The first match is just that, Natalya vs. Ronda Rousey. This is a “true grit” match of a particular kind. We all know Nattie can wrestle but she doesn’t seem to connect with the fans generally. I like her because of her prowess and I can understand her uniqueness. As you can see, I don’t exactly have thousands of followers. Yet the ones I have are either bots or long standing. I get it. I’m not everyone’s cup of ...