Payback Fallout - SmackDown

How’s It Going, Enthusiasts? Everything going okay? Can’t say much is going on in my world but it should pick up soon. In any case, when it comes to the Wrestling World, there’s not all that much going on so this post should be brief. Let’s get to it. So, all that’s going on continues to be speculation. Given CM Punk’s release from AEW, his partner in crime, Ace Steel, was also let go for a second time. That’s gotta sting a little for Punk as his antics trickled down to someone else. I’m not sure if that will be a factor should WWE consider bringing Punk back. I guess it will be all contingent upon the argument Punk and Steel come up with outside of Punk’s guilt. We shall see what comes to pass. In the WWE Universe, the WWE Superstar Spectacle was held in India earlier today. Given the card, no surprises happened but it was a new experience for most of those tapped to perform. John Cena posing with The Great Khali is going around. So, Cena has become an unofficial global ambassador. No...