And We Arrive at Survivor Series...

Greetings Enthusiasts, Here we are again at Survivor Series and I have to say it’s a bit different this time around. This time around, there’s more than just the big ole fights to consider. This time around, there’s some intrigue. There’s some curiosity because, dare I say, there appears to be some drama in play and it’s hard to say just how it will play out. This is very promising because it would appear that the WWE does want to continue to be in this wrestling heat and is actually offering up something that may just make you want to watch. Last post, I did some pondering on the progression of Triple H and that is what appears to be driving the intrigue this Survivor Series. I hear that Kevin Owens was persuaded back to NXT which definitely adds a different color to Survivor Series but before I get my hopes up, we do know that the WWE is notoriously hit or miss. Can we expect any difference this time around? I’m already feel...