RAW Starts to Move to the Far Left Lane as Fastlane Approaches...

A Good Monday to You, Enthusiasts. Does it find you well? Give yourself some slack, daylight savings time and all. So, what’s going on in the wrestling world? Not that much, or rather no more than the usual but a few things stick out. First, it appears The Miz is making a bid to be taken more seriously. There are photos of him looking leaner and meaner than usual circulating. I suppose he didn’t like how people reacted to him wearing the title. Well, working out is one thing, gaining skill is another. Though he is fine on the mic, most would say his wrestling is mediocre at best. He knows how to do what he does, I won’t challenge that but I can’t say I’ve ever been amazed by his matches. Let’s take John Morrison in comparison. Though he goes for the flash, he has demonstrated that he can have an engaging match. Coupled with the acrobatics, if you had to choose, it’s Morrison every time. So, if you ask me, getting jacked isn’t the key to The Miz’s success. Coming up...