Payback 2023 - Matches of Interest

How’s It Going, Enthusiasts? So, this is a weird Payback given it’s on the back of sudden loss. It’s hard to feel enthusiastic about it so soon after the fact but, at the same time, we can’t mourn forever. This show will have the delicate task of making us forget for a while. With that said, I advise they simply try to do their jobs and have a good time. Some things are just out of one’s hands, so to speak. Given that, I’ve got just 3 matches that have my full attention. It doesn’t mean the other matches aren’t interesting, it’s just they either have to prove to be or should be. Either way, what’s there to talk about? The first match I’m looking at is LA Knight vs. The Miz. This is interesting for all sorts of reasons. Mainly because it can be argued that they are one and the same. The only difference is that we’re more familiar with The Miz. The kicker is that they’re the same age, so naturally, Knight has the shorter shelf life. It’s unlikely he outlasts The M...