On the Other Hand, SmackDown Finds New Ways to Continue to Earn Its Keep...

There’s a big difference 😉 How’s It Going, Enthusiasts? Well, I didn’t quite expect this week to take the turn it did but it gives us something to talk about. So, let’s get to it, shall we? Dark Side of the Ring dropped a new episode and word has been trending through the social media channels. I took a look myself and for me, what stands out is what a difference 20 years makes. I can see both sides of the story. Nowadays, what was told is abhorrent. How could anyone treat someone that way? But back then, it was an unfortunate truth. Many would say, par for the course. I don’t condone such behavior. I’ve had my fair share of unwanted advances so I can sympathize but I came up at the tail end of the, “it’s a fact of life” era. I was taught that I was to comport myself in a way that would limit or dissuade advances but we all know that doesn’t stop everyone. Recently, this aspect of life has become unacceptable and deplorable and I have to say, I don’t hate that. ...