From RAW Punishment to Complete SmackDown...

How's It Going, Enthusiasts? Hope it goes well. So, RAW did what it could to make up for that poor bit of judgement in the form of Payback's House of Horrors. Thankfully, We the Audience were kind to Bray Wyatt and did not blame him for the fiasco. Good job! When it comes to matters as such, those at fault are those in charge. Yet, let's be fair. Not every idea is going to work and I do like how the WWE is trying to look for fresh angles. That shouldn't stop but...some good ol'brainstorming needs to be done if these wild and crazy plans are going to work. 'Tis the rub and challenge. Do you think they'll find the right combination? I think if they want to stay relevant, they will. But enough of the potential contemplation. Let's have some fun and MST3K tonight's SmackDown up! Funny tweets get retweeted and Favorites...we'll just see if we get one of those. See You in a Bit, -Nicole Alexis (^_~)