
Showing posts with the label Fallout Show

SmackDown Contemplates What to Call This...Summer Slam-Payback, Maybe?

Happy Friday, Enthusiasts! I hope it treats you well.   So, what’s circulating in the WWE Universe?    I found it interesting that Wade Barrett found his way back to the WWE halls.   One of the aspects of the WWE Universe is that it is strangely forgiving.   Those who have left often can return…that is if they did so under the right circumstances.   And even in those difficult cases, with the right amount of apology and humility even the most outrageous can be forgiven.   I think CM Punk is a prime example.   When he left it seemed as if someone could get fired just by saying his name, now he’s back on the payroll.   The WWE Universe is the land of many chances. In Barrett’s case, it looks like he’s helping out with kids in NXT.   We’ll see if he ever challenges Baron Corbin to get the King of the Ring Title back. As for tonight’s Fallout/Go Home Smackdown , we have Roman Reigns’ return to television to look forward to.   I’ll a...

Extreme Rules Wasn't that Extreme but RAW Wants You to Know That's Okay...

Happy Monday, Enthusiasts! Did you catch Extreme Rules?   Well, it wasn’t the best offering but I have to say it is nice to see that the WWE is trying.   It’s clear they’re thinking about it and such but they have yet to find their proverbial stride.   Yet, the display was enough proof to me that they’re looking for it.   That appeases me at the moment.   Given circumstances, I feel we really shouldn’t harp on them too much.   Everyone has other things on their minds so, there’s a mild pass on the particulars but this is why I’m championing that the WWE just simplifying things.   Let’s take Edge’s example.   I think he has the right overall idea.   He’s attempting to make wrestling watchable TV.   Not an easy task but he currently has the chops to do it ‘cause he’s got some real TV experience.   Not the case with the bulk of the roster.   So, I understand leaning on old tricks but I have to voice that I feel it’s best to foll...

BackLash Offered More than Expected. Can RAW Keep Up?...

How’s It Going, Enthusiasts? Happy Monday.   So, who got to see BackLash this past Sunday?   Well, I have to say the Greatest Wrestling Match Ever was certainly epic.   I love that Edge has returned and has brought all his knowledge of working on TV with him.   He’s proving the benefit of having a Love of the Game.   Not to say Randy Orton didn’t do his thing.   He’s proving that the better caliber the opponent, the more you get out of him so, these matches are proving to be win-win.   It’s serving as a glimmer of hope if you ask me.   I hope everyone on the roster is taking notes because these may be the predecessors for matches of the WWE future. Yet, before we get too ahead of ourselves, plenty held to current WWE form.   Asuka’s and Nia Jax’s match was basically tossed out for a rematch tonight on RAW and the fact that Andrade and Apollo Crews had their match on the un-promoted Kickoff show gives you a sense of where Andrade’s heading...

RAW Just Leaves the Real Work to SmackDown. Sure, Go Ahead and Leave the Mess After HIAC..

A Good Tuesday to You, Enthusiasts! I hope it finds you well.   So, last night wasn’t so bad.   Mr. Paul Heyman sat us down for a spell and told us how “things would go” in regards to Mr. Brock Lesnar and we’ll just have to sit back and see if they make it interesting.   The UnderTaker made his appearance as scheduled also but, seeing how that is now the “geriatric match ”   , not sure I’m really all that jazzed to see it.   I know Shawn Michaels has gotten himself into shape for this thing too but they’re just old.   I’m sorry. This is the Dad Match and not because “Dad’s” (Kane) there. I thought he had his hands full officiating over some town.   Isn't he busy?  Just feel like I'll be wincing through the whole thing, afraid one of them is gonna break a hip. Anyway, last night's finish wasn’t too bad either though some note the drop in ratings, there’s always a drop in the third hour. It’s 10pm on a school night.   People are probab...