RAW Go-Home Show - Night of Champions

How’s It Going, Enthusiasts? It’s Go-Home Week for Night of Champions and in the Wrestling World, we got our fair share of speculation today. I wouldn’t say there’s a lot to talk about but enough to start a few conversations. Let’s take shot at it. So, if you’re wondering where things are in the CM Punk melodrama, Eric Bischoff has stepped in to basically concur with what a lot of commenters are saying in how it’s setting a bad example to let Punk have his own show. It establishes a questionable precedent. It allowed Bischoff to conclude that this is a demonstration of selfishness on Punk's part. Everything has to come to a halt because of no Ace Steel, whoever that is. Well, from what I heard, Steel trained Punk back in the day but I could be wrong on that. Haven’t really felt the need to do the deep dive but I hear what Bischoff is saying. Well, we’ll see if AEW changes their mind. They have until June. In the WWE Universe, the idea of turning the Street Profits and Bianca...