RAW Comes Through, Not Sure It Will Do the Job, Though...

A Good Monday to You, Enthusiasts. How’s it going? Not too taxing I hope. As for the wrestling world, it appears to be a slow news day. The stuff going around doesn’t exactly grab me but there’s some news floating through. I suppose the most appropriate being that a date for Summer Slam has been chosen. August 22 nd is the special day. All they need now is a venue. Early reports suggest that they’re interested in the West Coast but they might settle for somewhere in between. California tends to be persnickety about their rules and regulations. Somewhere in between may not be so much. We’ll have to keep an eye on it. As for tonight’s action, well, RAW has a big job ahead of it. Backlash is not a huge PPV and it’s honest in being the follow-up to WrestleMania but RAW has been subpar of late, even for it. It has to prove it’s worth the 3 hours it shows for and perform the customary Go-Home duties. Twitter speaks of a return of Jinder Mahal, perhaps the 3MB hi...