The Long Road to WrestleMania Begins with Tonight's RAW...

A Merry Monday to You, Enthusiasts! Did you catch the Super Bowl? Boring as all hell, wasn’t it? The Chiefs just got flat out schooled. We’ll see how that shapes this year’s season. As for the wrestling world, well, there are and aren’t things going on. We are at the beginning of WrestleMania 37 preparations and it’s hard to say what will hold up until show-time. So far, it appears that WWE is attempting to establish a sense of continuity. This is surprising because WWE seemed to pride itself on being completely random. Yet, with ridicule rampant and ratings falling they have to admit their flaws. It could be said that they are attempting to do something about these loose ends. Well, I would say it’s a case of better late than never. On the other hand, we probably shouldn’t read too much into this. It could all prove to be red herrings. Christian’s return may or may not affect Edge’s title run. I think a primary method of WWE is sticking to whatever is the most pop...