RAW Asks Who's Interested in Money in the Bank?...

Good Evening, Enthusiasts! Still quarantined? Yup, me too. Well, we’ve made it to RAW’ s Go Home Show for Money in the Bank but it appears that not too many people care as the ratings remain low. When I think about this, I can attribute this to many things. Many would state the seemingly obvious by railing on the content but for once, I can’t really complain about it. I know we’ve all suffered through worse and the numbers were better then. So, how should we interpret this? Well, first of all, let’s consider circumstances. Perhaps some simply don’t care for watching wrestling without the audience. I do admit, it’s like a well-cooked meal that needs some salt or maybe a bit more pepper. Yet, I like the action enough to keep tuning in. I can accept that others can’t see the point. I saw this a bit in myself when I checked in to see how AEW was doing. Looked like I was watching Ring of Honor. ...