RAW Fallout - Crown Jewel V (2023)

How’s It Going, Enthusiasts? Did you get a chance to watch Crown Jewel? I thought it was fun. It was far more cohesive than previous shows and definitely felt less like an exhibition and more like a typical PLE/PPV, which I would call progress. Most are saying that Drew McIntyre vs. Seth Rollins was the match of the night. I think Sami Zayn stealing the MITB Briefcase at the end was what I liked about it but, to be honest, I preferred the main event. All the buzz with LA Knight and Roman Reigns made it an enjoyable way to end the night and both gentlemen appeared to have fun with it, which is always nice to see. I would say that any LA Knight fans should calm themselves and prepare for a showdown with Logan Paul. Taking the US Title off of him I think is a good start for Knight. Though Paul is holding his own out there, he’s playing a dorky heel and those are perfect pickings for the likes of Knight. No one would mind that Title change and Knight officially gets on t...