Oh Yeah...Wasn't There Some Sort of "Super ShowDown"?...

A Good Weekend to You, Enthusiasts! So, I’m sure many of you already know what went down at the Super ShowDown but since it came on at like 2am, I wasn’t about to get up and watch, especially since I’m on vacay. But…since I’m on vacay, I do have some time to sit down and watch so, that’s what I’m gonna do. At 7pmPDT I’m going to sit myself down and give it a gander so, if you haven’t seen it yet or are just interested on my take for some reason, go ahead and play along on the Twitter. ‘Tis an exhibition so, I’m not too concerned with outcomes or matches, I’m just going to see if it was “worth it” so to speak. Anyway, tweet if you’d like. I know everyone’s doing their own thing so, I’m not expecting any one to drop plans on a Saturday night but if you’ve got nothing to do, feel free to join the fun. I’ll be prefacing all my tweets with “RE: #WWESSD –” because I know it’s all a done deal, just throwing in these 2¢. Join the f...