Extreme Rules Wasn't that Extreme but RAW Wants You to Know That's Okay...

Happy Monday, Enthusiasts! Did you catch Extreme Rules? Well, it wasn’t the best offering but I have to say it is nice to see that the WWE is trying. It’s clear they’re thinking about it and such but they have yet to find their proverbial stride. Yet, the display was enough proof to me that they’re looking for it. That appeases me at the moment. Given circumstances, I feel we really shouldn’t harp on them too much. Everyone has other things on their minds so, there’s a mild pass on the particulars but this is why I’m championing that the WWE just simplifying things. Let’s take Edge’s example. I think he has the right overall idea. He’s attempting to make wrestling watchable TV. Not an easy task but he currently has the chops to do it ‘cause he’s got some real TV experience. Not the case with the bulk of the roster. So, I understand leaning on old tricks but I have to voice that I feel it’s best to foll...