RAW Attempts to Show They Can Clean-Up After Themselves...

A Good Evening to You, Enthusiasts? How are you doing? It’s all a bit different but the same, isn’t it? Personally, I’m surprised that Joe Biden won the election. I was prepared for the worst in a Trump re-election. Almost don’t know what to do with it. I try to keep politics out of the blog and stuff just for a sort of peace of mind. I look at my joy of wrestling as an escape. Yet, every now and then, it’s good to just voice an opinion. Here’s what I’ll say on the current state of affairs. Take note of how close this election was. Half the populous wants to keep things “The Old Way”. No one should be surprised that the majority of the Red States remained red. All that says to me is one should be aware if one ever travels this country. Be mindful of where you are going to. Be it blue or red state, the people there want it that way. Book your reservations wisely. All right, back to wrasslin’ so, we’ll start with Paige this week. Poor thing. She’s having a bit of a tough go, isn’t she?...