Back Up to Full Power, RAW Is Ready to GO!....

A Merry Monday to You, Enthusiasts! Did it go smoothly? Mine is currently free of complaints. Definitely had worse. Well, we turn our attention to RAW and it appears that a lot of WWE fans or “ex”-WWE Fans are still butt-hurt from this past Hell in a Cell. Let’s be honest, the bent out of shaped-ness stems more from watching a character fans felt had promise in the form of The Fiend getting the WWE Treatment and thusly get completely tanked. The WWE is supposed to be coming at us with its best and that’s what we get….again! That appears to be the general consensus. I was never sold on that gimmick but, I suppose what I’m getting at is that a lot of the fans are taking this really seriously and I’m just not sure it is that serious. I get it as a fan, though. Just look at how Game of Thrones ended. People are still bent out of shape and it’s just a TV show. People invest into that which they love and those mos...