The Roster Is Where!? - SmackDown Wings It...

A Good Friday to You, Enthusiasts! Feeling good after Halloween? Hope it was a good one. As many of you know, SmackDown , is gonna be running by the seat of its pants this week and that just might be what the doctor ordered. This will be an interesting night no matter what so, I hope who’s left to put on the show aren’t paranoid about tanking it but buzzing with the possibilities. Ideally, they want to have a bunch of fun out there tonight and if they do it right, we’ll hope for these sorts of delays in the future. But before we get into all that, let’s just touch on this most recent Crown Jewel. I have to say that it was a solid show. The only real complaint is that it did feel like the corporate display that it was but given the nature of the venture, I feel that should be forgiven for the most part. I understand the cultural differences and it’s best to just default to a simple, professional presentation in these sorts of ci...