RAW Gets Everyone Ready for Another Field Trip...

How’s It Going, Enthusiasts? I have a bit of a cold. It’s the first one I’ve had in over 5 years. This one is more circumstantial though. I was out in the desert and going in and out of air-conditioned buildings. Wears down my defenses every time. It’s minor so I’ll live but it’s not as fun coughing and sneezing every other 5 minutes. I’ll just have to distract myself. So, what’s going on? Let’s start in the Realm of AEW as there’s a feeling that Bryan Danielson/Daniel Bryan may have to hang it up soon or at the very least, take a year or 2 off to recover. It sounds like he needs to have neck surgery and we all know how that can go. If that happens, it’s hard to say we see him as an in-ring performer again. I’d like him to retire in WWE but we’ll see if the Gods are so kind. For now, let’s just hope that minimal surgery is all that’s needed. I rather whatever needs to get fixed, get fixed as opposed to slapping Band-Aids on it. Let us all wish him the best. ...