Meanwhile, SmackDown Takes Some Time to Pay Tribute to the Troops...

How’s It Going, Enthusiasts? Hanging in there? Enjoying the winter weather, wherever you may be? I’m making the most of it. So, there’s not a whole lot to talk about but there’s enough for a brief chat. Shall we? First up, let’s just take a moment to address the attention that Brock Lesnar’s daughter, Mya has gotten recently. I feel I should comment because I too am my father’s daughter and can relate to the sometimes awkward reality. To be honest, I didn’t really pay much mind to the posts because I thought it was some troll playing with photoshop but no, there’s no doubt who this young lady’s father is and she appears to be doing all that she can with it. Good for her! She’s not the only father’s daughter as both Charlotte Flair and Ava/Simone Johnson can attest. It happens and all we can do is wear it with style and grace. I guess only time will tell if she’ll bring a new kind of reign of terror to WWE one day 😉 Something tells me the option is available to her should she choose to...