Hell in a Cell Is Old News! It's All About Money in the Bank, Now...

How’s This Monday Going for You, Enthusiasts? I hope it’s not too much of a drag. At least it’s coming to a close, right? So, Hell in a Cell has come and gone and it wasn’t bad, per se. It wasn’t “must see” by any means but I don’t feel my time was wasted. This is life in the WWE. Let’s start with the match of the night. For me, it was Bayley vs. Bianca BelAir. Bayley has really come into her own and really sold her side of the match wonderfully. BelAir brought her special talents to the night too as she simply destroyed Bayley on a ladder. Regardless of who you were rooting for, that move was hard to deny. That’s the sort of display that resonates in the WWE Universe. We can’t help but take note of an honest ass-whooping. BelAir proved she can dish one out. Noted. Alexa Bliss and Shayna Baszler weren’t all that bad until the “mind control” was introduced to pull in Nia Jax. Oh boy, where to begin. Again, moments like this are my case and point regarding...