RAW Takes Another Whack at It...

Happy Memorial Day, Enthusiasts! I hope you’re taking time to enjoy it. I’m attempting some baked ribs. I usually leave the job to someone else but with the extra time and it being a special occasion, I figured why not. May those in the midst of culinary experiments find success. As for the wrestling world, there are some grumblings. Let’s examine a few, shall we. Well, the most eyebrow-raising piece of news is that Mark Henry signed with AEW. Not sure if that’s a good or bad thing. I have nothing against Henry. If he’s just sitting at home at least AEW will give him something to do but AEW is becoming the place where WWE veterans go to end their careers. Not sure that’s a precedent AEW really wants to carry but we’ll see if it ever matters. Hopefully Henry makes the best of the move. Lio Rush apparently also made a guest appearance at last night’s Double or Nothing PPV. In cases like that, I’m just glad they’re working. In th...