WOW! These Are Some Extreme Rules...

Don’t know if I can abide 😉 Greetings Enthusiasts! Extreme Rules is upon us and I’m not so much excited as curious because there has been decidedly better content to lead up to tonight’s event. Am I dancing around, have the “ants in the pants”, no. Can’t say that I do but I am intrigued and honestly so and that, I haven’t been for quite some time. So, what do we have in store for us tonight, well we have to speculate over the AJ Styles and Rusev match. It has been a minute since Rusev has held a title and has been anything but comedic foil. A title could bring him back to focus and the Rusev Day movement doesn’t hurt. I wouldn’t mind a title change here. Might make things interesting for SummerSlam. Alexa Bliss facing off against Nia Jax again just makes me think they need more big gals for Jax to play with. I know it’s cool to root for the little gal or guy but this just stretches my disbelief. I coul...