And Now, Money in the Bank...

A Good Sunday to You, Enthusiasts! It’s Money in the Bank and again, it feels like all others no longer matter. Now, when I say that, it doesn’t mean they have no weight. They serve as WWE history so there’s importance but given everything, they don’t seem very relevant. We are in a new space. The pandemic has changed the landscape and WWE’s recent moves have definitely also changed it. It definitely feels more like that was then and this is now. It’s kind of exciting. It’s been the same for so long and now it really feels reset. This is a new beginning, my friends whether anyone realizes it or not. But enough pontificating. It is Money in the Bank just the same and it’s harder than ever to decipher what may happen. With fans back and AEW creeping up, WWE has true incentive to up its game and this gives us, the fans, plenty to look forward to and it couldn’t have come at a better time. WWE has been getting thoroughly dragged...