RAW Wraps Everything Up for Elimination Chamber...

A Merry Monday to You, Enthusiasts! Enjoying a new week? It wasn’t the most exciting Monday, I’ll admit, but it wasn’t a bad one for me. As for the Wrestling World, I would say it’s a bit of a mixed bag. There’s plenty to kick around. I’ll choose a few points I find interesting and then leave you all to your night. Can you handle that? Let’s do it. We’ll start in the Kingdom of TNA as there are some legal rumblings from Ryan Nemeth, Nic Nemeth’s (aka Dolph Ziggler) brother. Apparently, Nemeth feels that Tony Khan, CM Punk, AEW and presumably unknown “Does” have conspired against him. Thus, limiting his wrestling opportunities and leading to his subsequent dismissal. From what I read, the charges seem trumped up at best but I’m no expert on the situation. I’m not sure if Nemeth has a case but the action could have repercussions. Given reports of low morale for WWE staff despite record profits reported and the recent releases, the concept of Fairness is ce...