Here We GO! - WrestleMania Day 1

A Good Saturday to You, Enthusiasts! Ready for Day 1 of WrestleMania? Yeah, I’m not sure how to feel either. We don’t even know what matches we can expect to see on what days. We’re just going in blind and hoping this is edited decently for a good watch. Have no idea what to expect. So, this is going to be a very short post. Tomorrow’s will be more detailed because by then, by process of elimination, we’ll know what to expect, just not in what order. I think it’s pretty safe to assume that the Brock Lesnar vs. Drew McIntyre Match will probably show on Sunday so tonight, we’ll probably close with the UnderTaker vs. AJ Styles or maybe the Fiend vs. John Cena. Everything else, I don’t care where they put it. So, get nice and comfortable, stay open and let her rip. I’m not going to hold back but I understand that this is a huge experiment. If for whatever reason we have to shelter in place again or they simply ...