RAW Gonna Just Take It Easy for a Little Bit...

How’s It Going, Enthusiasts? Hope the weekend treated you well. It’s a mixed bag in the Wrestling World at the start of the week but there’s enough to chat about so, let’s get into it shall we? Let’s start with AEW news as word is a CM Punk return is imminent. The plan is for him to feud with Chris Jericho upon his return, which Jericho appears to be well ahead of given his “chatter” in regards to Punk on social media. Let’s see if they can have fun with making Punk the “Scourge of Wrestling”. The name of the game is to make being pissy funny. I think these 2 can do it. I’ll check in periodically to see if they manage it. Back over in the WWE Universe, there’s some concern regarding Drew McIntyre. His social media accounts seem to have gone “dark” with minimal reference to WWE. There has been talk that his contract expires soon and that negotiations haven’t been going that well. Could this be the end of the road when it comes to McIntyre’s time with WWE? Like I said recently, he could ...