RAW Will Conclude the Draft - Does that Mean the Script Will Get Better?....

A Good Monday to You, Enthusiasts! If you’re in California, you’re probably enduring a little Autumn heat. I’m sure everyone else is starting to settle into fall weather. Regardless, let’s take a look what’s going on in the WWE Universe. The weather is always “temperate” there. So, word is Eva Marie may return to the WWE. What better example of the High School nature of the WWE Universe. Now, I recall hearing about Eva Marie training for a return a while ago so, maybe she picked up some skills during that time yet, I understand the general chagrin. Don’t overestimate the WWE Universe; it’s always been this way. It’s more concerned with what sells, not necessarily the best wrestlers. That’s why some hottie can waltz in and start right at the top. Understand the WWE Universe’s prime directive, appeal to a general audience. They want to pull in Joe/Jill Schmoes who are curious about this world. Sex appeal tend...