Here We Are - Clash of Champions...

How Are You, Enthusiasts? What’s left of you. Those of us who haven’t had it with WWE will tune in on tonight to see what they put together for Clash of Champions. WWE finds itself in a strange position. An uncomfortable truth is coming to light and they quickly have to get in front of it. What’s becoming clear is that WWE simply never really understood story structure. They had hungry enough superstars who managed to flesh out something for themselves. Now that WWE has matured into a full-fledged corporation, this overlooked aspect now gains more attention. Wrestlers now manufactured, the hunger is translated into something that better resembles the reality. With so much at stake (endorsements, client relations, partnerships etc.), wrestlers don’t exactly have the freedom to do things on the fly. Nevertheless, WWE may have to find a way to backtrack to an old format in order to make the most of what they got in the m...