WrestleMania XL: Day 1 - Matches of Interest

How’s It Going, Enthusiasts! Happy WrestleMania Day 1. So, this is a packed weekend and I got a lot on my plate on top of that so, I’ll take my time and also be brief. There are 7 matches on the card tonight plus whatever extras they got planned so this is gonna be a long day and that’s just the half of it. Let’s get into it. So, the first match I’m looking at is Bianca BelAir, Jade Cargill and Naomi teaming up to face the New Damage CTRL. Now, to look at it, it does look very lazy. The Black (African-American) women against the Japanese Women & Dakota Kai. I guess Kai technically makes the whole thing diverse but I don’t see many people really buying that. And so, why is this an issue? It doesn’t really have to be but in the face of a casual fan base with random new onlookers, one has to wonder what sentiments it conjures. On the other hand, I wouldn’t want forced diversity just to quiet sensitive fans or head-off inadvertent backlash. WWE is good at getting the ...