SmackDown Does Its Job...

So, since I’m on vacation, this will be more a review of SmackDown as opposed to a chat about wrestling current events. We can talk a little bit about that, though since we now know what didn’t happen. What didn’t happen of course is no CM Punk at the debut of AEW: Rampage. I would think they would want more than a hour to work with for something like that so maybe Wednesday? If not then or Friday, they’re gonna wait until we forget about it or never. That’s how you do it in this industry. We have no choice but to standby. As for the night’s SmackDown, it was exactly where it needed to be before the Go Home Show. Yes, the opener was a bit long but that’s the gig. That’s what you do when you main event. We have to wait for you to box, you just don’t box. You gotta build the event up & that’s what John Cena and Roman Reigns did. It was a far cry from the first time they tried this and dare I say? Did Cena even come off a little proud? It did take a ...