RAW Goes Home for WrestleMania...

What’s Up, Enthusiasts? How you living? Well, this is an interesting Monday because for once it’s tinged with Oscars’ buzz only it’s not because of who won or lost. It’s because Will Smith felt compelled to defend Jada Pinkett’s honor. I heard about it myself so I can’t comment on how I felt when it happened but I have to say I didn’t believe it when I heard it. I figured they were doing some skit. Yet, Pinkett’s face basically said it all. The joke could be viewed as poor taste but given Chris Rock’s sense of humor, it’s definitely tame for him. I think it would be absolutely hilarious if they can turn this minus into a plus and had a match for Bragging Rights or, or, maybe they could just have a segment where they sling their best burns. It would have to be aboveboard of course, nothing below the waist but if they could properly “singe” each other before having a “real fight” I think they could playfully put the incident behind them. They can slapfight if they want to keep the t...